Final Destination

STARRING: Devon Sawa,Ali Larter,Kerr Smith,Seann William Scott
RUN TIME: 1hr, 38 mins

Ahh, Final Destination. I am a big fan of this series and thanks to this little film that started it all the Final Destination series has become a big success in the horror movie industry. The film starts out at the airport where we are introduced to our main characters who are about to board flight 180 for a Senior class trip to Paris. Sounds awesome right?? Yeeeaaah not so much. Our protagonist Alex (Devon Sawa)
is a bit of an outcast and while in the airport, heading towards their flight gate he keeps noticing weird things and strange coincidences are happening around him. This has made him pretty nervous to fly. He then takes his seat but,is asked by some classmates if he's willing to switch which he is and ends up sitting next to his best friend Tod. The flight takes off and things take a turn for the bad . Some major turbulence begins and the plane wing is ripped off causing most of the passengers to get sucked out while the rest are about to experience some major heat after the plane explodes in mid air killing everyone else. Alex then emerges from the horrible nightmare in a sweat and begins to freak out letting everyone know the plane is going to explode. Carter (Kerr Smith), the jock does not find what he thinks is a joke from Alex funny and attempts to fight him resulting in them being ejected from the flight. Carter's girlfriend Terry, another classmate Clear (Ali Larter) and their teacher Ms. Lewton follow them off the plane but, Billy (Sean William Scott) was removed just for being in the way [poor guy]. Tod's brother tells him to go check on Alex so he does. The flight proceeds to take off and explodes just like in Alex's premonition. A bit of time goes by and Tod dies in a crazy freak accident involving a clothes line in his bathroom. Everyone thinks it was a suicide but, Clear and Alex knew it wasn't and began to investigate. They break into a morgue and meet a very charming fella who let's them know it's actually Death itself following them to fulfill what's called Death's design. You see by getting off of flight 180 the survivors caused a riff in Death's design and now Death is stalking them to make things right by killing them one by one in a crazy fashion he also tells them that they can cheat the design but, does not advise it. Alex later discovers that they're actually dying in the order that they would have if they stayed on the flight. The concept is very original and to this day is still one of my favorite horror plots. It's almost a mystery movie due to Alex and Clear working together to follow the signs Alex sees and figuring out who will be the next victim. The kills are inventive and creative but, the fact that they are fighting against an ominous, unseen force makes them that much creepier. My favorite is definitely [SPOILER ALERT!..not really] Ms. Lewton's death scene probably because it is one of the more drawn out kills. Final Destination is a very entertaining and thrilling experience for those who haven't seen it and even those who have. For those who haven't it keeps you on the edge of your seat wondering what wild way the next victim is going to die and if they'll be able to intervene and for those who have you anticipate the awesome kills and as sinister as it sounds you almost find yourself rooting for death. This film is definitely one I can watch over and over so for me it's a win! Until next time horror fans, you stay classy.

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