Hell Baby

STARRING: Rob Cordry, Leslie Bibb, Thomas Lennon, Robert Ben Grant, Keegan-Michael Key
YEAR: 2013
RUN TIME: 1hr, 38mins

Expecting couple Jack and Vanessa move into a New Orleans home that just happens to be the most haunted house in the city. Jack begins to notice Vanessa acting strange and what seems like ghost haunting happening around his house. They call upon an elite Vatican exorcism team to save them from a
demonic baby. First off let me start by saying this movie is duuumb! And by that I mean pretty funny. The Priests are the best part of this film for me, Thomas Lennon's accent kills me. With almost every word he had me cracking up. Let it be known, I am a fan of Reno 911! And it's ridiculous humor so this movie was mostly on par for me to enjoy as a comedy. The horror aspects of this movie are slim. The ghosts and creatures are super cheesy looking and the scares end in laughs. One of my favorite and probably one of the sillier scenes in the film involves priests, police, quick cuts, and Po' boys if you've watched Hell Baby you know exactly what I'm talking about. Another thing I enjoyed about this movie was the over the top blood sprays during the climax sort of like, 80's blood sprays on steroids if you get my drift. If you're looking for something goofy to watch I recommend you watch Hell Baby it's not to be taken as a serious horror film it feels more like a satire of a serious horror film. Short but, sweet just like this review this movie packs some decent jokes I'd say check it out if you haven't already. Until next time. You Stay Classy.


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